video marketing strategies 2018 - 2019

Video Marketing Strategies to Improve Your Conversions

Video Marketing Strategies to Improve Your Conversions



They say a picture is worth a thousand words, well, there a is a video worth a million pictures. And is also why video marketing is currently a significant part in every internet marketing strategy.

That is a reason behind this. The goal of any internet advertising venture is to make people convert. To keep them interested enough to register, fill your contact type or buy from you. I believe that you would agree with that. Why would you invest so much of the time churning articles out to reach people you know?

because of how easy it’s to create Video advertising is gaining ground. It a video, given that it’s well-made attracts more audiences than, say, an instructional blog

The evidence is in the stats. Studies indicate that 75% of traffic is going to be video. In this informative article, we are going to talk about five video marketing strategies which can help conversions improve

5 Effective Strategies for Video Marketing

Engage your audience with interactive video with Best video marketing trends for 2018-2019

Customer preferences change on a dime. And viral articles fizzles out at the time. To create audiences remain put, you must give them something that keeps them interested

Recently marketers are using interactive video to attain this. These are videos that enable viewers to take part and alter their outcome. It is kind of like how multiple pick games do the job. You make a changeable storyline where viewers make different decisions for different outcomes

In a way, interactive videos provide us that static content can not. Rather than a passive experience, the individual seeing to do it is encouraged by the moderate. This drives engagement

For instance, think about Mended Little Hearts, a charity for children with a congenital heart disorder that employs an interactive video to show donating money may help make the lives of those youngsters who suffer from the disease just a bit brighter.

Keep it Brief but entertaining

The average attention span of internet users is less than that of a goldfish. It’s the reason why we would rather skim through articles than read every aspect of it and move on. Grabbing attention is a matter of displaying value immediately. Think of this like a marketing pitch you want to give investors to market your idea to them

Video marketing functions the same way. You expect visitors to see them and simply can’t post videos. Your content must be brief In case you have any hopes of conversions. Plus it has to be sweet.

Many Social media platforms also have made it a lot simpler for companies. Require Facebook video attribute for instance. As users feed, videos play. If your video isn’t fun enough to keep their focus viewers will wait for a couple seconds and move on. According to the average retention rate of 90 movies that are next, stats is 53% while only 10% is retained by videos over 30 minutes

Do Not make it look like a commercial

What do we do when a commercial comes on? Stations are switched by us. Commercials may have worked before. But now we’ve got small screens in our pockets; smartphones which provide us with a plethora of other content that is valuable which we would rather be seeing.

Point is, individuals have more reasons to”change the channel” on your video now than ever before. Posting a movie in your networking station? Folks will likely scroll if all of its wanting to do is market

unless it offers No one watches an ad voluntarily. Viewers are most likely if they are getting something from the experience to participate in your articles. This”something” can be humor or perhaps a value proposition. Something might prompt them to convert

To illustrate, think about a renowned Christmas ad by Heathrow Airport in which two grandparents (revealed as teddy bears) require a tiring flight to London. Throughout the journey, the airport team is there to assist them to create this journey comfortable until the few finally meet their family.

It’s an ad. Such a pulls at your heartstrings, reminds you how thrilling it is when households finally get together during the holidays and the way that travel is worth it in the long run. Most important of all, it makes you appreciate all the Heathrow Airport does for travelers

Utilize lead capture forms Directly in the video

A trick to shooting leads would be to exhibit your capture actions instantly. Program developers, for example, place lead capture forms directly on the first page of landing pages or the sites.

Somehow can you do so in a movie? How can you make folks convert in the middle of it, although not after they watch a video?      It’s possible with a Turnstile. Some video platforms that are internet supply this feature. You are able to insert a lead capture from anywhere. It is a great way to acquire high-quality prospects like emails or last and first names that can help you personalize your followup emails.

Use your products to nurture your target audience

Individuals know. It is why visual content, such as videos or charts keep pupils engaged in boring lectures.

You are able to apply the identical technique if you would like your videos not only be viewed but also convert your audience.

Many brands do so. To illustrate, consider Home Depot which airs videos which teach clients how to use or assemble its products. The brand has about 45 million views in the room and thousands of subscribers. Home Depot gives them a reason.


Video marketing provides opportunities. To recap, you’ll get more conversions from your advertising strategies that are video by getting audiences in on the action with video. Concentrate on maintaining content brief but worth the time of a viewer. Utilize capture forms and never underestimate the worth of instructional videos.

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Drive Targeted Traffic Affiliate Marketer

How to Drive Targeted Traffic for the Affiliate Marketer

A truth is in the affiliate marketing company. I know it’s been repeated thousands of times, but it does not make it any less important. “The money is in the listing.” The only method is to get traffic. An affiliate marketer may have all the tools essential to keep and grow his company, such as a great website, but he must be able to get folks to the site in order to sign up. The affiliate marketer could have all the motivation, power and perseverance to understand the way the business works, but lacking the capability to drive visitors there will be no sales, commissions, and also fulfilled dreams.

If you have trouble ranking your website on Google read this article on how to get your website to the top of Google.

For all those of you who are determined to make a success of your online advertising business, find out these 7 great ways to push laser-targeted traffic to your site. It is sometimes an intimidating job to get people who matter to a landing page and convince them to give you their name and email. The internet has grown packed with thousands and thousands of marketers pushing their merchandise, so how can you make yourself stand out? These 7 techniques can get you going down the road to success.

  1. First and foremost you need to know who your market is to make sure when you advertise to them they’ll be eager buyers. It is possible to accomplish this with proper key words. There are a number of free keyword tools available including of course Google’s free keyword tool. It is important to understand how to discover the perfect keywords to be able to attract targeted traffic. These keywords will be used with most of the following methods so as to find that targeted visitors.
  2. The second strategy has an extremely established history of achievement for driving traffic and that is article marketing. You say that you can’t write. You don’t have to become an excellent writer to make this work. Assessing your subject will be able to help you gather ideas that you can then put down in phrases to get your message across. Articles could be as brief as 300 words, typical articles operate 300 to 500 words and can also be purchased via outsourcing. This is just hiring other people to write posts for you. By checking out some of the various outsourcing firms, you need to be able to find an article written for approximately $10.00. Articles are then submitted to a few of the most important article directories in which folks searching for your specific subject may read your post and then click a link that you leave in what’s known as the source box. You would leave a connection which would lead them to a webpage that had an opt-in type and invite them to sign up for a free report or free item.
  3. Strategy number 3 is using videos to pull visitors to your website. These can be short videos created using resources. You can place these videos to YouTube and other movie sites again using a hyperlink to your site where it’s possible to provide a free special report, eBooks, or product as an incentive for them to join in your list. Videos are now becoming one of the most popular means of communication on the Online today
  4. Social media is our number 4 method. Social media sites such as Facebook, Twitter, and Squidoo may be great places for you to include content which will incorporate a link to your site. Many successful affiliate marketers are still using these social websites today to drive tons of visitors. They article articles, sites, and videos with pertinent articles for your niche and individuals will react by clicking on your links to find out more.
  5. Blogging is 5 on the record. You are able to set up a blog on and post some information regarding your individual niche which can begin to establish some credibility to you as an expert on the topic. You can then use opportunities to direct people to your website when it is appropriate to do so. Some of the content can also be posted to a few of your social media sites and in your own website when you’ve got a site as part of your site.
  6. It is essential to understand how to structure your content, sites, and videos to fulfil your own SEO (search engine optimization) criteria so that the Google search engine spiders like what they see if they crawl your website. This is called organic traffic and it’s just another fantastic free method to get targeted traffic. It might result in becoming one of your articles or videos ranked on Google and a person clicking on the hyperlink and coming to your website. SEO can be a very strong approach to help drive particular targeted traffic that will assist you develop your online affiliate marketing company.
  7. Our 7th method for driving targeted visitors would be using banner advertisements. Some of these can be free but most probably you’ll have to pay for the traffic. Learn how to write a brief successful ad and by placing that ad on a banner that is displayed on several websites, you can generate some terrific numbers of laser targeted traffic to propel your affiliate marketing business to new heights.


These 7 methods to get visitors are by no means a detailed collection of all the approaches available to find traffic. All these are, nevertheless, all proven procedures that work and will help get your internet affiliate advertising company off to an excellent start and do it with very little cash. The trick is to use as many of these methods as you can to supply you with access for as many people as possible. Most of these methods have a great deal of training accessible online that you learn the very best methods to use them. Discover how to get it done right and the payoff can be rewarding.

6 Effective Ways to Promote Mobile Apps through Social Media

6 Effective Ways to Promote Mobile Apps through Social Media

In this digital world, social media marketing is an effective strategy for the developers to publicize their app and also to make it viral at the same time. Generally, the app developers are making use of social media sites such as Facebook, Instagram and Twitter etc to promote their overall mobile applications. There is a list of ways to promote an app after the mobile application development.

  1. Strategize your campaign

Initially, before moving on to social media marketing, planning is the most important thing. It is the simplest part and it is also the major foundation of the effective marketing strategy. Always choose the better audience in terms of age and sex. Prefer for the qualified content which is the most suitable one for the target audience. Finally, choose the medium of the social network such as Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram etc.

  1. Usage of social media sites

The social media sites provide better connectivity to the people. Instagram is the most popular one along with the visuals. At the same time, it can also be used to communicate to the folks along with the pictures. These pictures show each and every detail of the app. One can also interact with the followers and also gain their complete trust.

  • Facebook

Facebook is the biggest social media platform and the app developers can make use of their groups including the pages in order to publicize their respective apps for the promising customers. Promotion of mobile applications can be implemented successfully without any complications.


  • Google+

Google+ works on the ranking process and in case if you want to increase your potential users, it is better to get engaged in the important enterprises on Google+.

  • Twitter

Twitter is well known for its efficiency and also to help the folks to build the trust along with the reliable relationships. This one automatically extends to both of the app developers and the users.

  1. Creation of reward programs

Generally, the entrepreneurs can increase the audience along with the usage of the virtual currencies along with the digital rewards. Thus there will be a great increase in the major element of engagement. In the field of marketing, there should be a reliable connection with the app and also maintain the trust just by publishing the valuable contents.

Eventually, the mobile web developers have the benefit of the potential user base. There is a list of new apps which are at the top-notch level. It is better to download the app and go for the incentive option in case if the users refer their friends in order to use the app. In case if there is a growth in the user experience, then it indicates that the number of shares has been increased.

  1. Choose the option of long-term commitment

The social media marketing strategies are cost-effective one and they also require some time to attain the success peak. Then and there should be some frequent updates, only two to three interesting posts is an ideal one and posting of too much will surely annoy the users.

  1. Creation of landing page for a mobile app

Creation of the website is not a difficult process and buildings of the sites have become simpler. It is always best to get for a professional and it should not be a complicated one. There are many people who are specialized in designing of the websites. What do you mean by landing page? It is nothing but a unique one which is linked to the website that will convince the folks to click on throughout the project. Do not ignore the importance of the landing page and you get help from the others in order to create an effective landing page.

  1. Go for automation

Most of the app developers do not have time to operate a well-enhanced social media account, but it can be handled in an efficient manner. There is a list of efficient and economical tools to automate all the activities and also it should be published in the advance. You, need not worry about anything several social media management tools are available to just schedule the social media sites such as Twitter and Facebook post in advance.


Author Bio:

Dipanwita Murabayashi is a leading Content Marketer at Doxtar, where they work in developing mobile apps and websites for many services like e-commerce. She is an expert in Content Marketing and Content Developer, the mobile app development by covering all platforms of it. Doxtar is a web and mobile app development company, which develops e-commerce platforms for both desktop, tablet and mobile devices.


Trending Digital Marketing Strategies

Trending Digital Marketing Strategies To Reap Profit

With evolving technologies, the old marketing strategies of companies have also evolved in an extremely intelligent way. Marketing plays a crucial role to introduce your product to the audience or consumer. Before the digital marketing strategies are being discussed, let’s get a concrete view on how marketing works.

Customers are the king of the company, and it is the utmost duty of the company to take care of its patronage. Marketing is the key component to reach out all the customers of a company through various strategies, and increase sale. Marketing informs the audience about the product and various services the company performs.

Marketing also helps a company to understand the customers even better by establishing a strong network. And without knowing your customer’s need, you cannot ever see profit or success.

After you get to know your customers, marketing helps to boost sales of the product and services and please the patronage. Marketing engages your customer deeply with your company as they feel indifferent from it. In this way, the consumers gain faith over the company which is extremely beneficial.


These all are the primary function of marketing of a company. Now in this rapid era, when everything is digitalized, so is the marketing. When all the functions of marketing are performed in an advanced and digitalized way, that is Digital Marketing for you. Now let’s see what are the trending digital marketing strategies to reap profit for IT your company.

Artificial Intelligence is the new inn

It was shown in sci-fi movies where AI’s were used for various tasks. But it’s no more a movie now, in our day to day life, AI has a crucial role to play right now. As well in digital marketing. AI can efficiently research consumer behavior and their respective search patterns. Which also helps you to gain the individual personalized choices and preferences, knowing your customers way better than ever before? And once you know your customer, and you can deliver their needs. Reaping profit will be spontaneous enough. Utilizing data from social media platforms is the best way to implement AI. Digital Marketing Consultant in Delhi NCR is a pro at using AI-based marketing strategies.

Programmatic advertising has more potential

When you use AI to program the ads to the targeted audience on the basis of their recent searches on the web, or on the basis of what they are talking over the social platform, that is programmatic advertising of a service or product. Now when the consumers will only see ads of the things they are interested in, the profitability increases rapidly as most of them will opt to buy the product. Unlike previous methods where a maximum of the audience was reluctant to buy any product or services as it was not of their interest. So definitely programmatic advertising has much more potential than normal advertising. Digital Marketing Consultant in Delhi NCR uses programmatic advertising to engage more and more customer for your company.

Chatbots are the new customer executive

The time is gone where your consumers used to wait on the phone call to reach your customer care executive. Chatbots are the new customer care executive. Easy, fast and compact and crisp information within seconds. Anytime, anywhere, and everywhere. The AI-based technology uses an instant messaging format to chat in real time. It enables smooth and instant communication between your company and its consumers. In fact, many customers prefer chatbots over human communication as it is a lot less time saving and hassle-free. Please your customer preference, profit will be easy. Digital Marketing Consultant in Delhi NCR, proficiently uses this trick.

Influencer marketing is a well-organized grapevine.

In the era of YouTube, Facebook and Instagram, people have their own favorite Youtubers and other social media stars, or even digital media stars. What influence marketing does is spreading the words regarding your Company’s product and services through them, to their audience. In this way, the audience will be easily influenced to buy your product, as the person who is spreading the words is liked and massively followed by them. It is a controlled form of grapevine. Of course, the social media Influencers cannot promote anything which is up to the mark, and it is known by their viewers as well. So it builds up trust very easily. Digital Marketing Consultant in Delhi NCR performs the influence marketing technique pretty well.

Micro moment advertising is the best way to get along with consumers

From a survey, it is claimed that a normal person spends a minimum of 4 hours a day on their smartphone. But not all throughout. They at least open each social media app 8-10 times a day. While scrolling over the feeds they are ready to spend 20-30 seconds on average to read your advertisement or see it. Now Micro Moment Advertising is advertising in micro-moments. Suppose a Micro tale of 28 words on a social media content will only take a few seconds to be read, but in that few seconds, your marketing work will be done. Digital Marketing Consultant in Delhi NCR uses this technique as well, very much effectively.

So it is very much evident how Digital Marketing is taking over the ancient way of marketing. And it is becoming easier for the companies to interact with their patrons and provided them even a better service.


It is how web development can feed revenue to a newborn baby business

It is how web development can feed revenue to a newborn baby business

The days are gone when people were choosing traditional marketing strategies – now the world has been transformed, people love to rely on digitalization instead of grasping on those pamphlets, flyers, banners and so on. There are the numbers of advantages for firms who own the websites whether they belong with startup business firm or sizeable well-rooted company. Well, it will be shocking to know that there are around 45% of small business firms who don’t have the websites yet – also, 11% are not interested in developing and nearly 5 to 10% are still not sure. But the smart business firm that knows people spends their more than 4 hours on the internet – and that why they are ruling on the competitive edge of a market. Grasping an online presence was, is, and will never be an unbeneficial for business firms.

Moreover, you don’t have to invest any mega amount to develop a website – you can still create an app from low-budget-investment. The reasons few small business firms owned a site is that they know people are digitalized day-by-day. Let’s break the benefits under different headings.

Tiny investment with mega benefits

Usually, the startup business firms don’t have a mega-budget – they avail assets which help them to build their roots stronger and that exactly what a website does. Website not only shows your business’s online presence but help customers to get the knowledge about your company. Also, availing the web development services in USA assists firms to get a decent profit in the future. So if any of you has just stepped up on a platform of business development then owning a website will make your revenue vault healthy.

You might be thinking that it’s expensive, but the truth is whatever the up-front capital you have is enough to develop a website on a low budget. It’s not necessary that startup firms can produce a highly detailed site or application, but it’s also an undeniable fact that such assets convert traffic into the customers.

Audience reach due to the 24/7 web accessibility

Doesn’t matter which kind of small business you’re operating, by owning a website your business will be available 24/7 without having the breaks or anything – even at the weekends it will be more active to encounter the competitors.

Websites have the power to run your business even when it’s close at night that means website can still make the earning for your business, and it could be more significant to say, it can give you an unstoppable earning. It is one of the most convenient ways to attract the customers towards your business.

Moreover, website can create an online presence of your business, and it can deduct the distances. It spread the target audience, and accomplish the deals and sales with the customers that are far from you or unable to reach your physical store. It will not be wrong to say that an entire world is in your reachability.

Online Promotion of the startup business

Promoting the small and startup companies on the multiple channels on the internet is so more accessible, and it is for those who have to own a website. A brand can get the maximum number of social media marketing advantages for business if the posts of your social media contain the links that can direct social users to your website, on a place where they can get more information about your business.

Wrapping up

Lets’ warp it up in one sentence, having a website can give stars to your business, not only by an online presence but through offering numerous solutions. Moreover, it can spread the awareness of your brand at every single corner of the earth.

Author Bio

An article is a base on the benefits of website presence. The writer has taught us multiple benefits that can come by owning a website. She has won various awards by making and participating in the content writing competitions. Nowadays, she is working as a professional writer at web development services providing company in the USA.

  • Marilyn Delvin
Career in Digital Marketing

The 4 Big Benefits of Having a Digital Marketing Career


Digital marketing is the preferred choice of every business worldwide. Digital marketing industry is projected to be worth anything from US$ 103 billion to US$ 306 billion by 2020 according to estimates by various research companies. According to Statista, digital advertizing spend is expected to touch US$ 335 billion by 2020.

There are several reasons why digital marketing is on upswing. It allows businesses to evaluate customer response, measure success of marketing campaigns while tracking and monitoring consumer search and purchase patterns in real time. Increasing Internet penetration rates worldwide and rise in access over smart-phones and tabs is also spurring growth of digital marketing.

What This Means

These trends clearly indicate digital marketing is here to stay, a least for the next several years. Newer, innovative technologies that enable businesses to reach clients faster and provide efficient service delivery will be rolled out increasingly as competition gets hotter. Likewise, a corresponding, worldwide demand for professional digital marketers is expected to grow exponentially. These facts augur well for anyone keen on making a career in digital marketing.

Consequently, anyone looking at making a career in digital marketing will benefit immensely.

Benefits of Digital Marketing Career

A career in digital marketing holds distinct advantages. Here we look at four major benefits of a digital marketing career.

High Median Salary

Median salaries for digital marketing professionals worldwide differ. In the US, digital marketing professionals are paid between US$ 48,000 to US$ 96,000 per year depending upon role and designation, state various sources. These pay scales are expected to rise as increasing number of businesses step up and diversify digital marketing or enter the fray.

Furthermore, digital marketing is no longer limited to countries in North America and Europe: it is increasingly used in Asia, South America and Australia too. Hence, digital marketing experts would be able to find adequate employment opportunities within their geographic location, without need to relocate.

Digital Skills Gap

Boom in digital marketing has caused a major gap in demand and supply of professionals with adequate skills. A shortfall of about 150,000 digital marketing professionals already afflicts companies in the US. Globally, this number is much higher. Number of vacancies for various digital marketing professionals that appear on any reputed job portal is a clear indicator of this demand and digital skills gap.

This translates as excellent opportunities for persons interested in making career in digital marketing. Jobs are available from fresher level to highly qualified and experienced professional positions. You can even start your own blog and start earning extra in your free time with these skills.

Indubitably, digital marketing is not everyone’s proverbial cup of tea or cake walk: it requires passion and perhaps innate inclination for this profession. This is the right time to enter digital marketing career for fresher as well as professionals looking to diversify from existing IT careers.”

Free Online Courses

Internet giants Google, Facebook and Microsoft, to name a few, offer free online courses for digital marketing fresher and IT professionals looking to diversify skills. Additionally, paid online learning is available from Udemy and myriad other providers to acquire necessary skills in digital marketing. Every digital marketing course- free or paid- offers certification of skills that are required by businesses small and large.

Being online courses, anyone eyeing careers in digital marketing can learn during spare hours, without the need to disrupt daily routine. These courses are presented in easy to learn and user friendly modes that makes learning enjoyable. This also allows fresher and professionals to practice skills from home or at work.

Excellent Career Options

Digital marketing consists of multitude of functions. These include Search Engine Optimization, Data Analytics, Social Media Management, Digital Content Creation, E-Commerce Management, Brand Management, Online Security and myriad others. Hence, anyone with passion for specific role can enter this profession.

For example, people with excellent language and writing skills can work as content writers while those proficient in mathematics will find great jobs in data analysis sector.

A career in digital marketing is not as complex as several falsely believe. Indeed, it is a field where anyone who possesses specific skills can succeed. Consequently, fresher and experienced professionals will find it easier to enter digital marketing in a role that better suits their interest and inborn skills.

In Conclusion

Cumulative data from Statista and other sources project, e-commerce worldwide is expected to cross the US$ 4.5 trillion mark by the year 2021. Going by current trends, this figure appears quite modest and actual volumes could be much higher as Internet penetration increases in developing countries around the world.

E-commerce giants like Amazon and eBay as well as Business-to-Business service and product providers have already stepped efforts to expand into newer markets in Asia, Middle East and South America.

To maintain continuum of these digital marketing initiatives, a surge in demand for professionals is imminent. Statista’s estimate about digital advertizing spend worldwide crossing the US$ 335 billion mark by 2021 is clear indicator about projected surge in digital marketing and its significance for a career.


Best Digital Marketing Company Delhi

Top 10 Delhi NCR Digital Marketing Companies

Here is a list of Top 10 Digital Marketing Companies in Delhi

These are the best companies and service offering include Internet marketing, website design, SEO Packages, Search engine optimization, Social media Optimization, Google Adwords, Adsense, webmasters etc.

Full-service Digital Marketing Agency in Delhi. Content and demand generation based consultants. Fast, beautiful, fully responsive websites for all screen sizes. SEO & SEM Optimized.

Best Digital Marketing Company in Delhi are listed here. Web design  & web development services for all your marketing needs. Explore more!

Why do you need digital marketing

One of the reasons why digital marketing is taking over traditional marketing channels is the ability of Internet marketing tools to interact with targeted audiences in real time. Engagement in any form is what your customers expect to receive when interacting with your brand or business.

Feel free to request a quick 10-15 minute call on +91 9529294652 and I’ll show you how you can get more web traffic, more conversions, and more revenue from your web presence.


List of 10 Leading Digital Marketing Service Provider Companies in Delhi goes here:


1 | Digiwebart – Reliable Full-service Digital Marketing Agency in Delhi

Corporate Office – New Delhi, Jaipur, Mumbai, Ujjain,, Varanasi

Business – Ecommerce Web Design and Digital Marketing |

Website – |

Website – 95292946525 |

DigiWebArt is a digital marketing company in Delhi that delivers outstanding results through SEO, PR, PPC, content marketing and web design. Award-winners in search marketing: SEO, PPC, Social, Content Marketing, Web Design & Development.

Rank your website on the top of search engines with our digital marketing services, including SEO, PPC, SMO, Email marketing, online reputation management.


2 | Sterco Digitex Pvt Limited

Corporate Office – Noida

Business – Web Design & Development, E-Commerce, Mobile Apps, Custom ERP, Digital Marketing |

Website – |

Sterco, as a Digital Marketing Company, offers Search Engine Optimization (SEO), Social Media Optimization (SMO), Pay Per Click (PPC) services in India.


3 | Dignitas

Corporate Office – New Delhi

Business – Internet / Online Marketing, SEO, SEM, Website Design, Web Development & Social Media |

Website – |

Dignitas is Digital Agency from New Delhi, India. Expert in digital marketing, social media, web, software & mobile app development, we’re more than just a digital marketing company.

4 | New Vision Digital

Corporate Office – Noida

Business – SEO, Facebook Marketing, PPC Paid Advertising, ORM Services |

Website – |

New Vision Digital is a full-service digital marketing agency in Delhi. provide SEO, PPC, social media, WordPress web design services and more.

5 | YNG Media

Corporate Office – Gurugram, Haryana

Business – Website designing / development, PPC, SEO, SMO, SMM & Branding services |

Website – |

YNG Media is a digital marketing agency based in Delhi that builds and markets for a successful Web presence. Services include responsive Web design, search engine optimization, ppc management and social media marketing.


6 | Nine Digital

Corporate Office – New Delhi

Business – Search engine optimization, social media marketing packages and Web Development services, Internet marketing |

Website – |

Nine Digital A Delhi digital strategy agency offering Inbound Marketing, Web Development, Branding, SEO, PPC advertising consulting services.

7 | Digipanda Consulting

Corporate Office – NOIDA, Uttar Pradesh

Business – PPC, SEO, SMO, Web design & development  |

Website – |

Digipanda Consulting Digital Marketing agency in Delhi NCR focuses on earning fast results. Offers full-service marketing, including websites, SEO, Facebook Ads, Google AdWords, & more.

8 | Avemfly Technology

Corporate Office – Janakpuri, Delhi

Business – Digital marketing, website designing and SEO services |

Website – |

Avemfly Technology Full-Service Digital Marketing Agency in Delhi – Offers Custom Website Development, Website Development, SEM and SEO in India.

9 | Techmagnate

Corporate Office – New Delhi

Business – SEO, PPC, Web Design Services |

Website – |

Techmagnate A full-service digital advertising agency in India from Delhi helping clients thrive in the digital space. Focused on Web, Mobile, Video, SEO, PPC, and Social.

10 | OMLogic Consulting Pvt Ltd

Corporate Office – New Delhi

Business – Lead generation, viral and social media campaigns, SEO,PPC. |

Website – |

OMLogic Consulting Pvt Ltd Digital Marketing Agency in Delhi specializes in web design, SEO, social media management, advertising, email marketing and more.