

The app development world has become very competitive because app development companies are still developing more apps despite having millions of app on app stores already. Unfortunately, getting the attention of potential users has become one of the biggest challenges for app development companies. However, this article gives some app marketing ideas that will be beneficial to mobile app development companies.

1. Create awareness before you launch your app

A lot of people prefer to launch their app marketing campaigns after launching their apps. Although this is not a bad idea, it is better to create awareness about your app long before you launch it. Keep potential users in suspense. A lot of mobile app development companies use this style and it works most times.

You can release sneak peeks and teasers on your app regularly before you release it. Potential users will always want to have an idea of what to expect. These peeks and teasers will strengthen your marketing campaign.

2. Consider other platforms apart from app stores

When marketing their apps, a lot of app development companies focus mainly on app stores. Here is what you should bear in mind. A recent study revealed that only 40 percent of mobile users search for apps through mobile app stores only. The rest of them search for apps through blogs, YouTube videos, and other options. So, if you concentrate on only app stores, you will be reducing the chances of reaching potential users by 60 percent. Some smart app development companies now run their campaigns on several platforms apart from app stores.

3. Spread the campaign to all app stores

Another common mistake is restricting app marketing to only Google Play and Apple App stores. Of course, these are the two most popular and most effective app stores. However, there are several other app stores that you can exploit. In fact, there are more than 250 other app stores where you can upload your mobile app.

Google Play store has more than 3 million apps while App store has more than 2 million apps so, they are both very competitive. It will be difficult for your app to get noticed on any of them. The other not-so-popular app stores have much less apps on them. So, your app has higher chances of getting seen in any of them. Secondly, both Google Play and Apple App stores have stringent rules for uploading mobile apps on them. What makes this more challenging is the fact that the rules are constantly being reviewed and any app that is already uploaded may be yanked off if it is found to have violated any of the rules.

4. Get feedback from users

Another subtle way to market your app is to continuously seek users’ feedback. This is a way to get users continuously engaged. Most importantly, users will guide you on how to continuously improve user experience. The more you work on their feedback, the more they will get attached to your brand.

This also implies that you must continue to update your app all through its lifestyle. Regular updates work hand in hand with continuous promotion.

5. Take the battle to social media

It is necessary to market your app on all fronts. So, you should take advantage of the general social media obsession by creating Twitter handle, Facebook page, and Instagram account for your app and ensure someone mans them all.

It is not only app stores that need screen shots of your apps, you can post great attractive shots on social media too. Don’t just take some shots, take great shots. Have you ever come across a shot that made you decide to download and install an app right away? That is the kind of screen shot you should take. A good way is to take hundreds of shots and then select the best ones for use.

6. Start a blog for your niche

Long before you even launch your app, it is important to start a blog to post highly informative and educative articles on your app niche. By the time you launch your app, you will already be an authority within the niche. Once you launch your own app, it will encounter massive download volume.

7. Marketing should be continuous

App marketing and promotion should continue all through the lifecycle of your app. Never stop its promotion. Instagram, YouTube, WhatsApp, and Facebook are the most successful apps and up till now, they are still being promoted aggressively. All the four apps currently have billions of users.

So, why should you stop the promotion of your app that is yet to even hit the 100 million app? The thing is, you can only stop the promotion of your app when you are about to retire it for another bigger app.

8. Encourage referral

You should incentivize users to introduce your app to their friends. For instance, for introducing you friends to join some games, you will get some points in the games. Some other apps offer discounts to customers that referred others. This way, the users of your app will continue to share your app.

9. Submit your app to review sites

Some users usually come across apps for the first time on review sites. This is why submitting your app for review increases its awareness. There are several reputable sites that you can try. These sites will publicize all the great features of your app. You must ensure you have tested your app very well before subjecting it for review because its flaws (if any) will also be exposed.

10. Consider a social media influencer

Some people have great followers on their social media account. In fact, there are people that have millions of followers on their social media accounts. These people are social media influencers. They can help you publicize your app. They can tweet about your app and also encourage their followers to retweet. Just be sure that your servers are ready for the volume of download requests that will hit them.

11. Use your website too

If you have a website, you should also market your app on your website. In fact, the download link of your app should be at the bottom of every webpage of your site.

In conclusion, you should be able to get your mobile app noticed by applying all the tips above. However, it is important to remind you that marketing campaigns can only make users download and install your app, only great user experience can make them retain it.


Author – Bio

Manvar Priya Editor of wingstechsolutions. I have been working for more than 1 years as a digital marketing specialist and have helped various Enterprises with their  SEO, SMM, Content Writing, Content Marketing, Digital Marketing, Email Marketing, Growth Hacking and so forth.


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