SEO And Hosting

Relationship Between SEO And Hosting – What You Really Need

SEO is the optimization of many factors for a website to rank high on the search engines. Therefore, every aspect of the website needs to be carefully considered and hosting is one of the factors of concern.

The beginning of this seo tools centre article will help us understand the relationship between domain and hosting. Domain and hosting are two completely separate service products, but while hosting providers try to sell both of these products; it is often confusing to customers.


When you buy hosting for a website, you basically rent a folder on a computer (called a Web server) that is connected to the Internet. You pay the company monthly or yearly fees to maintain your website files online and keep them safe from hackers or other “bad guys” on the net. Although technically, you can still host a website yourself, but at a cost of about $ 10 or $ 20 a month for hosting, that’s a reasonable expense. Keeping web servers up-to-date and in good working order is important, so leave this to the professionals who love the job.


Next, you will learn about the effect of hosting with SEO. If you are not interested in hosting provider, do not care about host quality, your host is not running continuously and often has trouble accessing … these factors will inevitably break the rules. Efforts are optimized for the entire SEO campaign.


1. Unstable Host

Think about the situation where you are implementing a certain SEO campaign and of course you know that search engine crawlers (SEs) will visit your site for indexing, if at all. If your site is inaccessible due to hosting issues, the crawler will not be able to access any information that changes, which means that your previous optimization efforts will not be recognized. If this problem occurs continuously, it is a tragedy of SEOer.


2. Server Speed

In recent times, we have heard a lot of information about page load speed is also an important factor in the SEO campaign. We try to optimize each line of code to improve page load speed to the lowest level optimizing content by using the best sentence paraphrase tool for content modification, but no matter how hard that effort is, your server is slow, everything becomes meaningless. Nonsense for Google’s algorithm (!?) And especially meaningless to the visitor. You update a lot of content every day with thousands of visits of visitors but if the host on a server has too slow response time, the consequences will inevitably make your visitors depressed and turn away.


Google has an algorithm to determine the time of the visitor to the site and that is one of the important factors directly change your ranking. Choose a reliable host / server, a host / server with stable performance, and smooth, honest advice to make sure your site stays on top of the search results page.


3. IP Address

There will be a number of friends because the IP has nothing to do with SEO. Be careful if you are sharing hosting, share hosting means share IP, and when a website If you share your hosting (your site and their site and your IP) with you, then you should take the same precautions. The best advice would be to use a separate IP for your website (this would seem impossible for most sites).

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