How to hire the right Magento 2 developer

Hiring the Right Magento 2 Developer in Simple Steps

Hiring the right Magento developer can be a difficult task- whether you’re finding someone to hire in-house, choosing a development agency, or hiring a freelancer under contract. Here are few tips to hire the right Magento developer:

Find developers that aren’t searching

It’s a rule if you ask me, the best ones won’t usually be active in job searching, so it’s going to take some time for you to grab them. You can look for them by following their blogs, social media; see the type of work they are attentive to.

I have seen a lot of developers moving from working for an agency to go in-house with a trader. It could be because they are tired of following their time over projects or it might be that they are not able to focus on a single problem over an extended period to attain business outcomes beyond hourly rates.

In some cases, they are looking for a change.

Magento Imagine

Magento imagine is the place where the entire Magento community gathered every year.


It allows users to look for someone with the skills, which could come in handy when looking for a Magento developer. Just type in the skills and scroll down by location and other points. However, you’ll need a premium Linkedin account to do more than a few searches.

Look out the Magento forums

There are more than 200k registered users on the Magento forums, with tons of posts on different topics. Developers that have lots of cachets are the ones that are most active and of great help.

You can even send them a private message to find whether they might be interested In working with you.

Be attentive to certifications

Huge thanks to Magento’s certification course; this is one of the best & quickest ways to find someone’s level of experience- with Magento’s certificate. The certification examination is rigorous and developed to ratify that the developers have worked n depth over a period.

However, don’t pay much attention to the certifications as well, they have some limitations. A vast majority of certified Magento developers don’t know the basic Magento concepts.

Look at their work & evaluate

This is probably the first thing you do while checking their job history on Linkedin or their portfolio. Look into their resume what their role ‘specifically’ was in a project that they have done in the past. It is not unusual for candidates to ‘stuff’ their resumes, saying they have worked on big brands; later, you find out their role was nothing major.

Making an offer

Once you have decided they are fit for the job, it is time to make the offer. Whether it is a full-time for Magento 2 Developer or contractually based, it is essential to meet up with their expectations- if not you risk isolating them right from the beginning.



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